Laser Pigmentation Removal
As we age, pigmentation concerns are more common. Pigmentation can be caused by a variety of internal and external factors. Skin pigmentation is a result of irregular production and deposition of melanin by the melanocytes.
Melanocytes are cells that produce pigment. Production of melanin is dependent on sun exposure, and is a natural protective mechanism of the skin against UV. As much as 80% of UV damage occurs in childhood, not becoming apparent until years later, usually first appearing as mild freckling, becoming more severe with age.
Superficial pigmentation is restricted to the epidermis, while deeper pigmentation occurs in the dermis and often originates from chronic superficial pigmentation, making it difficult to treat. Laser and light platforms are available for effectively treating pigmented lesions and can be customised to the depth of the lesion and the unique concerns of the client.
Epidermal pigmented lesions such as freckles, age spots and sun spots are removed via Q-Switched Nd:YAG lasers. The extremely short pulse acts to ‘smash’ the excessive pigment into tiny pieces which is then removed by the body’s natural filtering system. What’s left behind is normal, healthy looking skin.
It is crucial when undertaking any pigmentation treatment to ensure your skin is prepared. Your Clinician will assess your skin & recommend a home care skin regime that will help enhance the results of your treatment whilst protecting your skin.